domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

The beginning of radio broadcasting in EOI FERROL

This is the first of many chapters still to come. In this case The English Department at EOI FERROL presents its first podcast. Stay tuned for more.

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jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

Video tutorials

This is an interesting link to some video tutorial in youtube containing explanations about RSS, socialnetwork, google docs, etc. Click here

Google pages for hosting files

You can use googlepages for uploading files such as pdfs and then do a link from your blog to the pdf file. That's dead easy! Click here to see an example.

Cómo redimensionar unha foto

Para "alixerar" o peso dunha foto para subila a internet e que deste xeito se cargue axiña e ocupe menos espazo de disco, unha opción rápida é usar o famoso programa Paint de Microsoft. Aquí tedes un pequeno titorial.
Un exemplo de edición con Paint : unha foto baixada da internet con un peso de 1.7 MB, foi reducida a 36 k. Ver exemplo.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Exercises with Hotpotatoes

This is a compilation of exercises made by CEFORE students with HotPotatoes.

The teacher


Here you have a direct link to Filezilla.( To download the programme, please select FileZilla_3.0.4.1_win32-setup.exe.)

What's FTP?

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer data from one computer to another over the Internet, or through a network.

Specifically, FTP is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over any netTCP/IP based network to manipulate files on another computer on that network regardless of which operating systems are involved (if the computers permit FTP access). There are many existing FTP client and server programs. FTP servers can be set up anywhere between game servers, voice servers, internet hosts, and other physical servers

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007


O Archive Wayback Machine ofréceche a posibilidade de ter a túa disposición a historia da Internet. O arquivo contén máis de 100 terabytes e 10 billóns de páxinas web arquivadas dende 1996 ata agora. Preme aquí.

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2007

Comprar un PC

Calcula o prezo dun clónico visitando esta páxina e elixindo ti mesmo as características do PC. Preme aquí.